
Release K.12.15 Enhancements
To enable SNMP informs, enter this command:
To configure SNMP informs request options, use the following commands.
To specify the manager that receives the informs request, use the snmp-server host command.
Syntax: [no] snmp-server enable informs
Enables or disables the informs option for SNMP.
Default: Disabled
Syntax: [no] snmp-server informs [retries<retries>] [timeout<seconds>] [pending <pending>]
Allows you to configure options for SNMP informs requests.
retries: Maximum number of times to resend an informs request. Default: 3
timeout: Number of seconds to wait for an acknowledgement before resending the
informs request. Default: 30 seconds
pending: Maximum number of informs waiting for acknowledgement at any one
time. When the maximum configured number is reached, older pending informs
are discarded. Default: 25
Syntax: snmp-server host < ip-address >[<traps | informs>] [version <1 | 2c | 3>]< community-string >
Using community name and destination IP address, this command
designates a destination network-management station for receiving SNMP
event log messages from the switch. If you do not specify the event level,
then the switch does not send event log messages as traps. You can specify
up to 10 trap receivers (network management stations).
Note: In all cases, the switch sends any threshold trap(s) or informs to the
network management station(s) that explicitly set the threshold(s).
[traps | informs>]
Select whether SNMP traps or informs are sent to this management station.
[version <1 | 2c | 3>]
Select the version of SNMP being used.
Note: SNMP informs are supported on version 2c or 3 only.
[<none | all | non-info | critical | debug>]
Options for sending switch Event Log messages to a trap receiver. The levels
specified with these options apply only to Event Log messages, and not to
threshold traps.