
Release K.12.06 Enhancements
If the keystring contains double-quotes, it can be quoted with single quotes ('keystring'). The following
restrictions for a keystring apply:
A keystring cannot contain both single and double quotes.
A keystring cannot have extra characters, such as a blank space or a new line. However, to
improve readability, you can add a backlash at the end of each line.
In software release K.12.01 and earlier, you can add up to ten SSH client public-keys to the switch
only by using the copy command; for example:
$ copy tftp public-key ip-addr filename <manager|operator> [append]
If you enter the optional append keyword, the transmitted public-keys are added to existing SSH
public-key configurations. If you omit the append keyword, the transmitted keys overwrite existing
SSH public-key configurations.
In software release K.12.06 and greater, the ip ssh public-key command allows you to configure only
one SSH client public-key at a time. (This command behavior differs from the copy command, which
in earlier software releases allows you to load up to ten SSH client public-key configurations at once
if they are stored in a single file on a TFTP server.) Therefore, the ip ssh public-key command behavior
includes an implicit append that never overwrites existing public-key configurations on a running
In all software releases, if you download a software configuration file that contains SSH client
public-key configurations, the downloaded public-keys overwrite any existing keys, as happens with
any other configured values.
To display the SSH public-key configurations (72 characters per line) stored in a configuration file,
enter the show config or show running-config command. The following example shows the SSH public
keys configured for manager access, along with the hashed content of each SSH client public-key,
that are stored in a configuration file: