Configuring the Primary and Secondary Security Server
Starting the Security Server
Chapter 7102
Starting the Security Server
After creating the Kerberos database and setting up the administrative
principals, you can start the Kerberos daemons on the primary security
server. To do this, edit the /etc/rc.config.d/krbsrv file to reflect the
following values:
ADMD = 1
Then, type the following:
/sbin/init.d/krbsrv start
You can also start the kerberos daemons using the following commands:
# /opt/krb5/sbin/kdcd
# /opt/krb5/sbin/kadmind
Check the startup messages in the system log files to verify whether the
daemons have started properly. These programs return the following
common error message:
Address already in use.
This message indicates that you have configured kdcd or kadmind to use
a port that is already being used by another program. Because KDC uses
the well-known port 88, this error indicates that a previous instance of
the KDC is still running.