Administering the Kerberos Server
Attributes Tab (Principal Information Window)
Chapter 8170
LDAP DN Displays the LDAP DN that you are editing.
Allow Postdated Specifies whether a principal is allowed for
ticket postdating. Postdating is a
mechanism that allows a principal to obtain
a ticket that is initially invalid, but that can
become valid at some time in the future.
The Allow Postdated attribute applies to
both user and service principals. If you set
the attribute for a user principal, the user
can be issued a postdated or postdatable
ticket. If you set the attribute for a service
principal, the server can issue postdated
service tickets for the service.
Allow Renewable
Specifies if a principal is allowed to renew
tickets. Renewable tickets are those that a
principal can revalidate up to the maximum
renewable time.
The Allow Renewable attribute applies to
both user and service principals. If you set
the attributes for a user principal, the
principal can be issued a renewable ticket.
If you set this attribute for a service
principal, the server issues a renewable
ticket for the service.
You can set the maximum renewable time in
the Principal Information>General tab.
Table 8-12 Attributes Tab Components (Continued)
Components Description