Diagnostic Tools Summary
Chapter 11 293
Diagnostic Tools Summary
Table 11-1 describes the most frequently used diagnostic tools, which are
documented in the link installation manuals.
Table 11-1 Diagnostic Tools
netstat A nodal management command that returns
statistical information regarding your network.
landiag A diagnostic program that tests LAN connections
between HP computers.
ping A diagnostic program that verifies the physical
connection to a remote host and reports the round-trip
communication time between the local and remote
hosts. For more information, type man 1M ping at the
HP-UX prompt.
nettl A utility that traces link-level traffic to and from a
node. HP recommends that you enable tracing only
when troubleshooting a problem unsolved by other
means. The nettl utility sends informational
messages regarding network activity to the system
console or to a file.