Configuring the Kerberos Server with LDAP
Configuration Files for LDAP Integration
Chapter 674
Configuration Files for LDAP Integration
You must configure the LDAP configuration files listed in Table 6-1,
before setting up your Kerberos server. This chapter contains detailed
descriptions of these configuration files.
The krbsetup autoconfiguration tool generates these files, based on your
input. Alternatively, you can manually edit the sample configuration
files available in the /opt/krb5/examples directory. HP recommends
that you use the autoconfiguration tool to generate these files.
The krb5_ldap.conf File
The krb5_ldap.conf file is the primary configuration file. It contains
information about the LDAP configuration parameters and values for
the Kerberos server.
If the krb5_ldap.conf file is not present in the /opt/krb5 directory,
then the Kerberos Server assumes that C-tree is the backend database.
Table 6-1 LDAP Configuration Files
File Function
krb5_ldap.conf Contains the LDAP configuration
parameters and values. This file is used by
the Kerberos server to connect to the
Directory server.
krb5_schema.conf Describes the object and attribute
definitions that define the structure of the
kerberos principal entries in the LDAP
krb5_map.conf Defines the mapping from the default
kerberos attributes to the user defined