Installing the Kerberos Server v3.1
System Requirements
Chapter 238
System Requirements
This section describes the hardware and software requirements for the
Kerberos server software for HP-UX server systems.
Hardware Requirements
The hardware requirement for installing the Kerberos server is 12 MB of
free disk space.
You can install the Kerberos server v3.1 software when your system is
up, and you need not reboot the system after installing the software. HP
does not recommend the single-user state.
Software Requirements
Before installing the Server product, ensure that the following software
is installed on your system:
• KRB5-Client Software, delivered as part of the HP-UX 11i v1 core
operating system.
• LDAP-UX Client product, if you plan to enable LDAP as the backend
• Netscape Directory server 6.0 (J4258CA), if you plan to enable LDAP
as the backend database.
For more information about any of these products, see “Related
Documentation” on page 21. If you cannot find the software or
information you need, contact your HP representative or log on to
Website, http://www.software.hp.com.
Version Compatibility
The version of the Kerberos server you are installing must be compatible
with the version of HP-UX you are running.