
You can build form definitions for page-presentation compatibility using PPFA. For more information, refer
to IBM Page Printer Formatting Aid: Users Guide.
When Not to Use Compatibility Form Definitions
You do not need to use form definitions that contain page-presentation and print-direction controls when
you are using:
v Only cut-sheet printers.
v Only narrow forms on a continuous form printer (other than a 3800).
v Only a 3800.
v Print data that is formatted in the BACK or UP direction, which is specified in the page definition or by
the program formatting the data.
When To Use Compatibility Form Definitions
You do need to use form definitions that contain page-presentation and print-direction controls when you
v Printing data that was formatted for a newer continuous forms printer. See Example: ACROSS Print
Direction with Wide Formson page 161.
v Using wide forms on an AFCCCU printer when the print data is formatted in the DOWN print direction.
v Using both narrow and wide forms on an AFCCU continuous forms printer.
Compatibility between an AFCCU continuous forms printer and 3800
PSF provides form definitions that you can use for page-presentation compatibility between a 3800 and an
AFCCU continuous forms printer. Figure 55 on page 160 shows the output on the 3800 and on the other
printers using these form definitions.
The examples in Figure 55 on page 160 assume that you are using the same forms on the printers; that is,
not changing from wide to narrow forms between printers, or from narrow to wide forms between printers.
However, you could change forms in any of the four examples without affecting the page presentation of
your output as long as the print direction in the form definition matches the print direction in the page
definition or composed-text data.
If you migrate an application from one form to another, remember that the top and left margins change
Note: The compatibility form definitions shown in Figure 55 on page 160 specify a page position of 0.0
inch across and 0.5 inch down. This page position is within the printable area of the 3800 as well
as that of the AFCCU continuous forms printers.
Appendix A. Migrating Your 3800 Printer Applications 159