information, the term “group 4” is not used in this
publication, except for definition purposes in the
Glossary section.
hard page segment. (1) A page segment that is
declared in the Map Page Segment structured field and
loaded in the printer as a resource that can be reused
during the job without being reloaded to the printer. (2)
Within another element, as an inline resource. (3)
Contrast with soft page segment.
hardcopy. (1) A copy of a display image generated on
an output device such as a printer or plotter, and which
can be carried away. (T) (2) A printed copy of machine
output in a visually readable form; for example, printed
reports, listings, documents, and summaries.
hardware default font. The font used by the printer if
no other font is specified.
hexadecimal. Pertaining to a numbering system with
base of 16; valid numbers use the digits 0 through 9
and characters A through F, where A represents 10 and
F represents 15.
host system. (1) A data processing system that
prepares programs and the operating environments for
another computer or controller. (2) The data processing
system to which a network is connected and with which
the system can communicate.
HP-PCL. Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language,
the data stream used by a type of Hewlett-Packard
printer, some of which are supported by PSF for OS/2
and PSF for AIX.
IBM Compatibility fonts. A group of fonts supplied as
part of Print Services Facility, Print Management Facility,
and Application System/400. Many of these fonts are
derived from fonts created for specific IBM printers
(such as the IBM 3800 Model 1, the IBM 6670
Information Distributor, and the IBM Proprinter) or
applications (such as Document Composition Facility).
The fonts are called compatibility fonts because they
allow applications created for the 3800 Model 1 and
6670 to be migrated to newer page printers without
having to change the fonts specified in the applications.
Examples of IBM compatibility fonts include APL,
Boldface, Document, Essay, Format, Gothic, Letter
Gothic, Orator, Prestige, Roman, Script, Serif, and Text
type families as well as a set of Proprinter Emulation
IBM Core Interchange fonts. A group of fonts
supplied as part of Print Services Facility that are
common across all SAA and AIX operating systems and
whose objective is to facilitate document interchange
across these systems with full fidelity. These fonts are
also compatible with fonts provided by Microsoft on their
DOS/Windows workstations and with the base fonts
provided by Adobe on their PostScript printers, providing
document portability across both IBM and non-IBM
computer systems. The fonts are provided in the
Courier, Times New Roman, and Helvetica type families
in both roman medium and bold weights and in italic
medium and bold weights.
IBM MMR. See IBM Modified Modified Read.
IBM Modified Modified Read (MMR). A compression
IM image command set. In the IPDS architecture, a
collection of commands used to present IM image data
in a page, page segment, or overlay.
image. Toned and untoned pels arranged in a pattern.
image data. Rectangular arrays of raster information
that define an image.
Image Object Content Architecture. An architected
collection of constructs used to interchange and present
IMM. See IBM Modified Modified Read.
impact printer. A printer in which printing results from
mechanical impacts. (I) (A) Contrast with nonimpact
impression. The data printed on one side of a sheet.
Printer speed is often measured in terms of impressions
per minute (ipm).
inline. Synonymous with inline direction.
inline direction. The direction of successive
characters in a line of text. Synonym for inline..
Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS). An
architected host-to-printer data stream that contains
both data and controls defining how the data is to be
interface. A shared boundary. An interface may be a
hardware component to link two devices or a portion of
storage or registers accessed by two or more computer
programs. (A)
International Telecommunications
Union-Telecommunications Standardization Sector
(ITU-TSS). See International Telegraph and Telephone
Consultative Committee (CCITT).
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative
Committee. An organization (one of four permanent
organs of the International Telecommunication Union
[ITU], headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland) that is
concerned with the problems relating to international
telephony and telegraphy. The CCITT Plenary Assembly
Glossary 199