object. A resource or a sequence of structured fields
contained within a larger entity, such as a page
segment or a page.
offset stacking. A function that allows the printed
output pages to be offset for easy separation of print
OGL/370. See Overlay Generation Language/370.
operator-adjustable forms. On certain printers, the
ability of the operator to adjust the page image on the
medium to align data for correct placement on
preprinted forms.
option. (1) A specification in a statement that may be
used to influence the execution of the statement. (2) A
choice offered from a list of possibilities.
orientation. The number of degrees an object is
rotated relative to a reference; for example, the
orientation of an overlay relative to the logical page
origin. Orientation usually applies to blocks of
information, whereas character rotation applies to
individual characters. See also text orientation.
origin. A picture element (pel) position from which the
placement and orientation of text, images, and page
segments are specified. For example, pages, overlays,
and page segments have origins.
outline font. A font technology in which the graphic
character shapes are represented in digital form by a
series of mathematical expressions that define the outer
edges of the strokes. The resulting graphic character
shapes can be either solid or hollow. Outline fonts can
be scaled (sized) to any size. The IBM outline font
character sets have a CZ prefix. Contrast with raster
overlay. A collection of constant data, such as lines,
shading, text, boxes, or logos, that is electronically
composed in the host processor and stored in a library
and that can be merged with variable data during
printing. See also forms flash., page overlay, medium
overlay, and electronic overlay.
Overlay Generation Language/370 (OGL/370). An
IBM licensed program you can use to design objects for
electronic overlays, such as lines, boxes, shadings, and
irregular shapes, to create graphics.
page. (1) A data stream object delimited by a Begin
Page structured field and an End Page structured field.
A page can contain text, image, graphics, and bar code
data. (2) The final representation of such an object on a
physical medium. (3) See also logical page.
page definition. A resource used by PSF that defines
the rules of transforming line data into pages and text
page format. Synonym for data map.
page mode. The mode of operation in which a page
printer can accept a page of data from a host processor
to be printed on an all-points-addressable output
medium. Data may consist of pages containing text,
images, overlays, or page segments. Contrast with
compatibility model.
page origin. Synonym for logical page origin.
page overlay. An electronic overlay that can be
invoked for printing and positioned at any point on the
page by an Include Page Overlay structured field in the
print data. See medium overlay.
page position. A control in the copy group to assign
the top-left boundary point of the logical page on a
sheet for a data set. The page position is determined
from the media origin.
page printer. Any of a class of printers that accepts
MO:DCA-P pages, constructed of page data and
images, among other things. Contrast with line printer.
Page Printer Formatting Aid (PPFA). An IBM
licensed program you can use to create and store form
definitions and page definitions, which are resource
objects used for managing print jobs. By writing a
command stream specifying form definitions, page
definitions, or both, for executing PPFA, you can store
the objects specified in the library. You can then use
these objects to format printed output.
page segment. A resource containing MO:DCA data
and images, prepared before formatting and included
during printing. A page segment can contain text and
images and can be included on any addressable point
on a page or electronic overlay. A page segment
assumes the environment of an object in which it is
PAGEDEF. A JCL parameter that specifies a page
definition. See page definition.
parameter. (1) A variable that is given a constant
value for a specified application and that may denote
the application. (I) (A) (2) An item in a menu for which
the user specifies a value or for which the system
provides a value when the menu is interpreted. (3) Data
passed between programs or procedures.
partial page. A page that does not contain all the
intended data. Partial pages can be printed after an
error is sensed.
202 Printer Information