envelopes, and computer output on microfilm. Each
sheet has a front and a back side. Some types of media
consist of multiple sheets. For example, a roll of
continuous forms can be divided at the perforations into
rectangular sheets. Each sheet usually has carrier or
tractor-feed strips, also. Microfilm is another example of
a medium comprising multiple sheets, whereas
envelopes comprise only one sheet. Synonymous with
simplex printing. Printing on only one side of the
paper. Contrast with duplex printing.
single-byte coded font. A font in which the characters
are defined by a 1-byte code point. A single-byte coded
font has only one coded font section. Contrast with
double-byte coded font.
SNA. Systems Network Architecture.
SNA Character String. In SNA, a character string
composed of EBCDIC controls, optionally intermixed
with end-user data, that is carried within a
request/response unit.
SNA-attached. In PSF, a device linked to the host
system through VTAM that uses an SNA protocol to
transfer data. The device does not need to be physically
connected to the host; some printers are attached to a
control unit, a communication controller, or both, and
they can transfer data over telecommunication lines. For
example, a 3820 attached to a communication controller
using the LU 6.2 communication protocol to transfer
data to a communication controller is considered an
SNA-attached printer. Contrast with channel-attached.
soft page segment. A resource that is not declared in
the Map Page Segment structured field but is sent to
the printer inline with data. Contrast with hard page
spooled printing. .A printing mode in which a print file
is sent to a spooling subsystem. The spooling
subsystem then directs the file to a printer.
storage. (1) A unit into which recorded text can be
entered, in which it can be retained and processed, and
from which it can be retrieved. (T) (2) The action of
placing data into a storage device. (I) (3) A storage
device. (A)
structured field. A self-identifying string of bytes and
its data or parameters.
subgroup. A set of modifications within a copy group
that applies to a certain number of copies of a form. A
copy group can contain more than one subgroup.
suppression. Synonym for text suppression.
symbol set. A coded font that is usually simpler in
structure than a fully described coded font. Symbol sets
are used where typographic quality is not required.
Examples of devices that may not provide typographic
quality are dot-matrix printers and displays.
symbology. Synonym for bar code symbology.
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC). A discipline
for managing synchronous information transfer over a
data link connection.
SYSOUT. See system output stream.
system output stream (SYSOUT). An indicator used
in a data definition (DD) statement to signify that a data
set is to be written on a system output unit.
Systems Network Architecture (SNA). In IBM
networks, the description of the layered logical structure,
formats, protocols, and operational sequences that are
used for transmitting information units through networks,
as well.
table reference character (TRC). An optional control
character in an input record that identifies the font to be
used to print the record. The table reference character
corresponds to a font number defined in a page
definition font list or to the order of font names listed in
the job control CHARS parameter.
TCP/IP-attached. Includes all printers attached
through the 7913, or attached directly to either
token-ring or Ethernet LAN through TCP/IP. These are
primarily the group 4 printers (that are attached through
the 7913) and the AFCCU printers (through direct LAN
text. A graphic representation of information on an
output medium. Text can consist of alphanumeric
characters and symbols arranged in paragraphs, tables,
and columns.
text orientation. A description of the appearance of
text as a combination of print direction and character
text suppression. The intentional omission of portions
of text, specified in a copy group in the form definition.
throughput. (1) A measure of the amount of work
performed by a printer over a period of time, for
example, the number of impressions per minute. (2) A
measure of the amount of work performed by a
computer system over a period of time, for example, the
number of jobs per day. (I) (A)
token ring. A network configuration in which tokens
are passed in a circuit from node to node. A node that is
ready to send can capture the token and insert data for
Glossary 205