iVIEW-100 Series user’s Manual, 2006, v2.0 ----- 86
6.2.3 Demo how to connect to I-7000 module: ts7065d3.c
Purpose: This demo program shows how to connect iVIEW-100 and I-7000
I/O module. Using iVIEW’s keypad moniter the Di & control the Do
of I-7065D(with 4 Di, 5 Do display light).
Lib included:
iVIEW.h & mmi100.h
Name Type Default Description
port int 2 Set port 2 to connect to I-7000 module.
x int Trace the X position on LCD screen.
y int Trace the Y position on LCD screen.
i int Counter for For loop.
j int 0 Counter for Di read: DiR[6].
n int Temporary storage for ascii_to_hex()
c int To store the keypad input value
check int To check the Di value, ‘&’ with DiCT to
decide which Di lamp is ON or OFF.
color int 1 Di lamp color. If color=1, Di lamp ON.
If color=0, Di lamp OFF.
coloro int 0 Do lamp color. If coloro=1, Do lamp
If coloro=0, Do lamp OFF.
quit int 0 When key in ‘q’ or ‘Q’, quit=1, quit this
Dotemp int Temporary storage for Do lights value.
For sum’s calculation.
DiCT[4] int DiCT[4]={1, 2, 4, 8}, for ‘&’ with Di Read
value to decide which Di light is ON or
DoCT[5] int DoCT[5]={1,2,4,8,16}, for calculating
with doON value to decide which Do
light is ON or OFF.
doON[5] int {0,0,0,0,0}
Store the Do lights current ON or OFF
situation. Default is all lights ON.