Ta suctio _
control slows
you to change
the vacuum
suets _fe__
d fleam fab_ cs s _c_on
and carpet
weig_ ts, Opehing the contro! decreases
suet sI_ for dFapm es and lightwe ght r,_gs,
wh!e cos _g the co_t el _creases s_ctsn
for _@ho ste_ es and carpels
When the vacuum
cteaner is unning
with normal airfflow,
the {ight on the
indicator s off The
ight comes on
whenever the
ai_ow becomes blocked, F that occurs,
check the disli>osable dust bag, motor
safety fitter and other pess hie c}og
scat ons shown SnH_J YOUR VACUU_¢
To correct proMem; See the TROUBLE°
NOTE: 7he if:_ht may co_'ne on when _isbg
ce4an attach seats die to ieduced aifow
thlough attach *Y_ent,
The vacuum ceaner has a therma
protector w_ich a_£omaticat_y trps to protect
the vaeuuT_ cleaner floraeve _heating, if a
clog prevents the norma_ flew of air to the
roots< the then"naI protector turns the
motor off automatica_iy_ This a!ows the
motor to cool n order to prevent pess b/e
damage to the vacuum cleaner
To correct problem; ]"Urn the vacuum
ceaner off and unplug the power c£_rd
from the out/at to a_/ow the vacuum
c_eaner to cool and the thermal protector
to reset, Cheek for and r÷move ¢_o9s, _f
meceseaPy, Also check and replace any
clogged filters, Wa_t approximately
thirty (30)m_nutes and plug the va¢uum
cleaner _n and turn back on to see if the
motor protector has reset,
_he war_d _as a U' smped
fange that sides _te
the U shaped sot s_
the ca_fister,
]he fiar_ge slows the
wands and PowerMate
ta be stared wth the
can ster to conserve
storage space Ihe
car ser n_.st be
stored on end fsr tts
featxe to be used+
To attach the Powe Mate, it must be _ the
flat post on as shown in t_e / ustrat on
Use the i_sndle re ease pedai to place t in
this post on
The war_d w/sip out of t e slot as t is
{fled up t:or tse arid wi/i sde sic the sot as
t s _owe_ed kx sto/'age
D_rr9 actual ope_at o _wh}/e the canister s
in the hot zsnta posit o< the caster wheel
_otates feey 360 '_.
The Star Grp
ff,_at,se a%_ws
wheel to ock in
pos ion w_e_
he vac_um
ro ated 25'
fr'o_rshorzonta nto a vedca{ postion n
order I<r the car_st_}s,rto res o_, sta_s