Before Using Your New
Vacuum Cleaaer .......... 2
Kenmore Vacuum C_@anerWarranty 3
Important Safety Instructions 4
Parts and Features 5.6
Assembty Instructions 78
Pet PowerMate '_Storage ........ _
Operating Instructions ........... 9
t_ow to Start 9
vacuumn_ tps 10
Sugges ed Pie Heght Se_tr9s 1
Attache erts "11
Att_f_chnent Use "I:abe ............... 'I2
Pe fl_ r__-_'ice Features ....... 1 3
H_swh'%ur',/_ct/_rr Ceaner _5_}rks...... I4
Canister Care 14
Bag Cha _gng ........ 14
C eae e{_Exterior a_d At ac_me tts 15
Motor Salety F!er C _m9 _g ........ 15
£xhaust Fret C _ar_ging......... '16
PowerMatd _ Care 17
BeltCh_ngnga_dAgtato {::ea_ing .•1718
Lght Bub Chang ng ............. 18
Agitat :_rServ cn 9 ........... 19
Troubleshootini ................ 20
Master Protection Agreements ...... 21
Notes .......... 22
Requesting Assistance
Or Service .......... Back Cover
Please read ths gude wl !e!p yau assemble and operate your rsew Kenmo'e vacu,m_
ceaner n the safest and host elf,oct ve way,
For mole 'fformat orl al/ot4:' vao sum c/earii f core aqd eperaI or] cal you, lseai®st >ears_........ .;>1_(}l'e.
'_q}uwl need he complete mode ardsera/numberswhenleq estng infe saree @u vaem
um :;;eaners mode and sera numbers a'e acated on the Made a_d Sera N,_mber Plate
Use fie space below to record the modet hurt bet and soda/number of your new Kenmore
vacu/_m e caner
Mode No
Serial No
Date of Purchase
Keep this book and you_ sales check (fete it} ina sate place for futue referer ce