B_asteF Protection Agreements
_':_:_eF_4_t_ti{_tsa _aki_g a s_t p_t_/_:_ae "a_u_new Ken_rore_:bpraduct is desiF ed and man_._
factured fo_years d deperdaUe operatior_ But tike eli products, t may squire prevent;re ma nte_
nanee or repar from time to tree. That's when havi'sg a Master Protect on Agreement car_save you
money and aggravet en.
The Master Protect on Agreement a_soheips axte_d the ire of your new product He_s's w"st the
iTS Parts and iabor needed to help keep products operating pnape y under normal usa notiust
de'fecte_Our coverage goes wal! beyond the product wa_ranty_ No deduct bias, no f._'_ctional
faihre excfuded frem eo_¢erage-- _ea/proteetion_
_ Expert sense by a _:_rssef more than 10,000 authorized Sears eenlca technicians, whch
mea_'_ssomeone yes can trc_stwill be work ng on your product.
_.,1i Unlimited service calls and _atlonwlde service, as often as you want us, wheneeer you
went us
Ins _No4emon '_guarantee - t_apacemenl of yoa_ covered p oduet if fear or mere product faiu_es
occur with r__eve mo/sths,
W: Product re_fasement if your cevered preduct can't be fi×ed
1:_ Annuat Preventfva Maintenance Check at yo_r request _ no extra charge_
[_>t Fast help by phone _ we cat t RapW Resolution phone s_._pportfrom a Sea_s represents..
tire on aI p:odacts_ Thnk of ..sas a '_ta/kng owner's manual2
_} Power a_rge Fotastlon age nst eleetd_:_t damage due to power fiuctu4or_s
7: $250 _ood Loss Protaotbn annuaf y fer any food spoilage that is the result of mechar_ieet fai
u_-eof a_y eoverad _efrgel'afar or freezer
!::S Rental rafmbursema_t f raper of your cover_d pred_ct takes longer than promised
[4 10% dtssoa_t off the _egular pros of any non.oeovered r_spair servce and r_gatedinsta led
Onr_ you purchase the Agreeme_rt, a simple phone call s a that t takes for you to schedule ser._
vce. You c_ancai anyt me day or _ight, or schedu e a serv ce appo r_tment o_t na
The Master P_xstactionAgreement s a rsk f_ee purehase_ If you caress/far any reasonsdudn9 the
preduct warranty period we wil provide a f._i reflJnd Oc a F'erated reflnd an?me afle_ the product
warranty pedod exp res_Pumhaee yo_r Master Protest on Agreement today!
Some ftmttatto_s arid a×clusio_s ep_ly, For prises and additional Information tn the USA,
call 1400°827°5655°
Coverage _r_Canada varies oa some Items, For full dateB oalt Sears Canada at 1400461°
Sears Installation Service
FTsrSears pmkse_>naf _,_at,:s//ak¢nof home appliances garage door openark water heaters and
other major home items, in the U%A o_"Canada <:al 14004-_YoH©MB@_