OneYearLimited Wag'rarity
WhenassembIedoperatedand mastainedaccordingto oil nstructio_ssuppliedwith
theproduct f ths w_cuumc_eanerfailsdue to a defectn materialor workmanshp withn
one yearfromthe dateof purchase,returnit te anySearsstore,SearsParts&Repair
Centeror otherKenmoreouter forfree repar,
If thisvacuumcteaneris usedfor otherthanprvatsfamiy purposes,ths warranty
app/esfor only 90 daysfromthe dateof purchase
Th_swarranty covers on_ydefects/_ matoda_and workmansh/p_Soarswill NOT
I. Expendableitemsthatcan wearout fromnom]a_use, includingbutnot timitedto
fiters bets, iight bubs andbags.
2. Aservicetechn;cianto nstructthe usern correctproductassembly,operatonor
3, Aservicetechnicianto c_eanor manta _ths product.
4. Damageto or failureof ths productf t is notassambied_operatedor mantaned
accordingto a!! nstructionssuppied withtheproduct
5, Damageto or falureof ths productresutng from accident,abuse,sr suseor use for
otherthanits intendedpurpose
6 Damageto or [ai_uroof this productcausedbythe useof detergents,clear,ors
chemca_sor utensilsotherthanthoserecommendedis ai_nstructonssuppliedwth
7_ Damageto or fa k.._reof partsor systems_esutting#ore unauthor z/ed _nodificat o_s
made te ths product
B_ss/almor of/mp/ie_ warranties; £m_tatton of remedies
Customer's see and exc usve remedy under ths iimited warranty sha be prod_._ct repair
as prey ded heron _mpied war_anties, ncl_ d ng wattantes of _nerchantabi ty or fitness
fer' a particu ar purpose, are imited to one year or the shortest period allowed by Iaw,
Sears sinai not be labia for ins dents! or consequen£ aI damages Some states and
provinces do not a_k_w the exc usion or lira ration of nc dental or consoquent;al damages,
or limitations on the duration of mp/ed warranties of morchanlab Iity or f tness, so these
e×ciusions or _imitat ass may not apply to you
Ths warranty applies only whi_o this vacuum cteaner is used in the Unted States and
This wa tasty gives you specific iegal rights, and you may aso have othe__rights which
vary from state to state.
Soars, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Bstates,/L 60179
$oar8 Canada _nc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada _58 2B8