I OIen heca ste_/ood,
2 Check to see that tie <t_st bag s proper_
y nstat{ed See BAG CHANGING for
inst uctons
3, Check to see thai the motor safety fters
propery nstaied See NSOTOR SAFETY
HLTER CHANGHIG fo _stractons
It is farms br the car_ster hood and tee
storage sever to come off wher_ ope_ed fur,.
t_er than needed. Lne up the h_ge s!ots
nsert the hinges nto the sots_ and close
the hood and too} storage covet to re nsta_
Never open canister hood with the too_
storage cover open This will help to
srevent damage from occurrin 9 to the
hood and/or tool storage coverĀ°
1 Lne up he hose
atct tab and notch
n carfister hood
and nsert hose
i_to ca siste' unt/it
snaps n pace,
To remove Lift
hose latch tab
upward and pul up
on hose.
2 Insert handle
nto wand untl
ock butts
snaps n place
Be sure hose
is not twists&
To r@mov@
PIess hardb
quick _eease
b_tton and p_J
up on hahd e.
To store: Discotmect hose from wa_ds a_d
canister to prevent stress on hose during
storage Store hose i_ a oosey toed
poston so the '_ose co\erng s not
Tlis car sters equ pped wth an on-board
storage area for a Pet PowerMate
To hstaH:
Open t_e Pet PowerMate storage coven
hsselt the Pet PowerMate press down into
place and case the ld secu ey
To Remove:
Open the sto_age cover ReĀ°nave Pet
PawerMate fro_T the storage a_ea and use
as needed (see ATTACHMENTS and