
10-20 Oracle9i Application Server Wireless Edition Configuration Guide
10.8 www-server.properties
The probe is a daemon that displays runtime information about:
Log files
Active objects
Active sessions
Active threads
The probe performs simple runtime management including:
Shutting down an active object instance.
Refreshing persistent attributes on an active object.
Setting the global debug flag to on or off.
Reloading properties for device recognition when adding a new device to a
running system.
By default, Wireless Edition installation process installs and initiates the probe
runtime monitor with the listening port 8090. To access the probe, from a browser
enter the following URL:
This file is in the WE_HOME/server/classes/oracle/panama/core/probe directory.
The www-server.properties file has the following parameters:
Table 108 Parameters of the www-server.properties File
The following daemon manages the implementation:
Key Type Editable Description
port Integer Y TCP listening port.
root Path Y Root directory for log files.
timeout Milliseconds Y Timeout for a request TCP socket.
workers Integer Y Number of working request threads to start up.
trusted IP List Y List of "trusted" IP addresses. Each IP address
must be separated with a semi-colon, ";". The
asterisk, "*" wildcard may be used. An empty
statement grants trusted status to all.