
FastForward 2-3
JavaMail API 1.2 from Sun Microsystems
JavaBeans Activation Framework extension (JAF) from Sun Microsystems
JNDI 1.2 from Sun Microsystems
2.2.2 Installation On Your Own Web Server and JSP Engine
Ensure you have a working web server and a JSP engine configured to run on that
web server. Refer to your web server and JSP engine documentation for more
Put all the jar files from the lib directory into the JSP engines classpath.
Ensure that <JDK 1.2>/jre/lib/rt.jar and <JDK 1.2>/lib/tools.jar is in the classpath.
Configure the JSP engine to point to the JSP files in the JSP directory.
Mail.jsp is the main JSP for the Mail Application, and LDAP.jsp is the main JSP for
the Directory Application. On PTG 1.1
PTG 1.1 already includes Apache web server and JServ 1.1.1.
Configure JServ so that the jar files are in its classpath. Go to <JServ1.1.1
directory>/conf/jserv.properties, then put the following lines before all other
wrapper.classpath=<ompim properties directory>
wrapper.classpath=<ompim lib directory>/ompim.jar
Also ensure that the JavaMail and LDAP jar files are in wrapper.classpath.
Configure Apache so that the JSP files are on the document root on Apache.
Mail.jsp is the main JSP for the Mail Application, and LDAP.jsp is the main JSP for
the Directory Application.
Create a new service in PTG ServiceDesigner to point to the URL of the
applications. See the Configuration of URL Adapter in PTG 1.1 ServiceDesigner for
more information.