
8-4 Oracle9i Application Server Wireless Edition Configuration Guide
Table 81 LoadXml Utility
Option Description
-l usr/pwd
Log on to Wireless Edition using a user name and password. If
no administrator is defined in the system, the program allows
any user to log on. Otherwise, the user must be an administrator
to log on.
-x Unload all repository data to stdout. The data can be filtered
by adding these options to the -x option.
-a Adapter filter.
-d Logical device filter.
-g Group filter.
-n Agent filter.
-s Service filter.
-t Transformer filter.
-u User filter.
expr Name expression filter. This option can include wildcards,
such as: [*%?_].
-c# Upload repository data read from stdin. The argument #
is a number that, if set, causes a commit after the specified
number of objects are uploaded. An argument of 0 causes a
commit after a complete load of the XML data.
-p This option activates provisioning of user data when
uploading. This mode is only used with the -c option. The
provisioning upload handles the provisioning DTD, and
makes it possible to create, enable, disable, and remove
users in the repository. This mode always creates new users.
If the createUserRoot attribute is set to YES, LoadXml
creates a root folder for each user. The provisioning upload
uses streaming to load users, and therefore does not resolve