Oracle Enterprise Manager 6-1
Oracle Enterprise Manager
Oracle Enterprise Manager describes the use of Oracle Enterprise Manager with
Wireless Edition. Each section of this document presents a different topic. These
sections include:
■ Section 6.1, "Overview"
■ Section 6.2, "Prerequisites"
■ Section 6.3, "Configuring the Server, Client, and Middle-tier"
■ Section 6.4, "Setting up the ptg_services.tcl File"
■ Section 6.5, "Configuration for Another Wireless Edition Instance"
■ Section 6.6, "Configuring the Database Logger"
■ Section 6.7, "Asynchronous Notification of Error Information"
■ Section 6.8, "Launching the Oracle Enterprise Manager Tools"
Important: In this document:
■ WE_HOME is the directory in which Wireless Edition is
installed followed by the "panama" sub-directory. For example:
c:\ias10210\panama (Windows)
/private/ias10210/panama (UNIX)
Replace "WE_HOME" with the fully-qualified directory path.
■ ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle 8.1.7 Oracle home.