
Oracle Enterprise Manager 6-1
Oracle Enterprise Manager
Oracle Enterprise Manager describes the use of Oracle Enterprise Manager with
Wireless Edition. Each section of this document presents a different topic. These
sections include:
Section 6.1, "Overview"
Section 6.2, "Prerequisites"
Section 6.3, "Configuring the Server, Client, and Middle-tier"
Section 6.4, "Setting up the ptg_services.tcl File"
Section 6.5, "Configuration for Another Wireless Edition Instance"
Section 6.6, "Configuring the Database Logger"
Section 6.7, "Asynchronous Notification of Error Information"
Section 6.8, "Launching the Oracle Enterprise Manager Tools"
Important: In this document:
WE_HOME is the directory in which Wireless Edition is
installed followed by the "panama" sub-directory. For example:
c:\ias10210\panama (Windows)
/private/ias10210/panama (UNIX)
Replace "WE_HOME" with the fully-qualified directory path.
ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle 8.1.7 Oracle home.