10-28 Oracle9i Application Server Wireless Edition Configuration Guide
Table 10–20 Parameters of the Geocoders.xml File
10.21 Mappers.xml
This XML file specifies all the possible mapper capability providers. The sequence
in the XML file determines the mapper provider’s preference in descending order. It
is in the WE_HOME/server/classes/oracle/panama/spatial/mapper directory.
Table 10–21 Parameters of the mappers.xml File
10.22 Routers.xml
This XML file specifies all the possible routing capability providers. The sequence in
the XML file determines the routing provider’s preference in descending order. It is
in the WE_HOME/server/classes/oracle/panama/spatial/region directory.
Table 10–22 Parameters of the routers.xml File
10.23 Strip.properties
The Strip.properties file notifies the stripper adapter of proxy settings and strip
levels. This properties file also defines classes which provide the stripper adapter
Key Description
ProviderName Provider name.
ProviderImpl Class that implements the provider.
the rest Additional arguments read by the provider.
Key Description
ProviderName Provider name.
ProviderImpl Class that implements the provider.
the rest Additional arguments read by the provider.
Key Description
ProviderName Provider name.
ProviderImpl Class that implements the provider.
the rest Additional arguments read by the provider.