– 178 – Y53-6033
Regional Haul (R05/10)
Proper Coolant Level
NOTE: Do not overfill a cooling system. Excess
coolant may result in overflow, loss of anti-
freeze, and reduced corrosion protection.
Check the coolant level after each trip. Add coolant as
necessary. You may find your coolant level is not up to the
correct level soon after you have filled the radiator. This
may be because all the trapped air in the system has not
yet been purged. It takes a little time for all the air to leave
the system after you fill your radiator.
Refilling Your Radiator
1. If your cooling system is built with petcocks in the
upper engine coolant pipe, open them before filling
the surge tank.
2. Be sure the radiator and engine block drains are
3. Remove the surge tank pressure cap
4. Through the surge tank, fill the system with premixed
coolant. Pour it in a steady flow until the surge tank is
full. It may be necessary to pause for 1 minute and
then re-fill if the fluid level dropped.
WARNING! Do not ingest ethylene glycol
based antifreeze, it is poisonous. It can be
harmful or fatal, especially to children. Store
in its original container only and keep it out of
reach of children.
5. If the system has petcocks, close them.
6. Start the engine and idle at a low RPM.
7. During low rpm idle, air will purge from the cooling
system which will lower the coolant level in the surge
tank. Continue to fill the surge tank until the level
remains at the base of the fill neck. This may take up
to 2 minutes.
8. Operate the engine throttle unitl the operating temper-
ature stabilizes (when the thermostat opens).
9. Fill the surge tank as necessary to raise the coolant
level to the proper reading.