Regional Haul
(R05/10) Y53-6033 – 263 –
Federal Safety Standard Certification Label
The NHTSA regulations require a label certifying compli-
ance with Federal Safety Standard, for United States and
U.S. Territories, be affixed to each motor vehicle and pre-
scribe where such label may be located. This certification
label, which indicates the date of manufacture and other
pertinent information, is located on the driver's side door
Component Identification
Each of the major components on your vehicle has an
identification label or tag. For easy reference, record com-
ponent numbers such as, model, serial, and assembly
number. See the “Vehicle Component Register” (last
page of this manual).
Engine: For further information, please refer to the Engine
Operation and Maintenance Manual.
Clutch: Enclosed in clutch housing. Location depends on
Transmission: For both manual and automatic transmis-
sions, the identification number is stamped on a tag
affixed to the right rear side of the transmission case.
Steer Axle: The front axle serial number is stamped on a
plate located on the center of the axle beam.
Drive Axles: The drive axle numbering system includes
three labels or stamps:
Axle Specification Number, usually stamped on the right
rear side of the axle housing. This number identifies the
complete axle.
Axle Housing Number Tag, usually located on the left for-
ward side of the housing arm. This tag identifies the axle
Axle Differential Carrier Identification, usually located on
the top side of the differential carrier. The following infor-
mation is either stamped, or marked with a metal tag:
Model No., Production Assembly No., Serial No., Gear
Ratio, and Part Number.