Regional Haul
(R05/10) Y53-6033 – 23 –
Warning Light/Indicator Symbol Descriptions
1. Active Warnings, Exclamation Point
Illuminates when a red warning is active. Use
the MCS knob to view the warnings that are
active. Refer to the preceeding Figure ,
“Warning Light / Indicator Symbols,” on
page 20 for warning color classification.
2. Active Warnings, Number
Illuminates the total number of red and yel-
low active warnings. Use the MCS to view
the active warnings if the display shows a >
3. Active Warnings, Triangle
Illuminates when an yellow warning is active.
Use the MCS knob to view the warnings that
are active. Refer to the preceeding Figure ,
“Warning Light / Indicator Symbols,” on
page 20 for warning color classification.
4. Alternator
Illuminates if the alternator is not charging.
(For alternators with warning lamp output
5. Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS)
Illuminates during the Instrumentation Sys-
tem Self Test. Have the ABS system checked
by a Peterbilt dealer if the ABS Warning
Lamp stays on for more than 3 seconds.
Illuminates during normal operating condi-
tions to indicate a problem with the ABS Sys-
tem. See “ABS Warning Lamp” on page 118
for more information.
Illuminates when a problem exists with the
optional Wheel Spin Control feature. See
“Wheel Spin Control Warning Lamp” on
page 112 for more information.