Regional Haul
(R05/10) Y53-6033 – 87 –
Starting and Operating the Vehicle
For detailed information on starting and operating the
engine, refer to the Engine Operation and Maintenance
Manual provided with your Regional Haul vehicle.
Because each vehicle is custom-equipped, all engine
operation instructions presented in this section are gen-
eral. You will want to consult the engine manual to find out
details about your vehicle's specific engine requirements.
You may need to use a slightly different procedure from
the one outlined here.
WARNING! Do not use ether or other starting
fluids as a cold-starting aid in your Regional
Haul vehicle. Your engine uses either an elec-
trical grid or an open flame inside the mani-
fold, to heat the air/fuel mixture for cold
weather starting. If ether or another starting
fluid is used, the air/fuel will ignite inside the
manifold, which could cause an explosion
and death or severe injury.
WARNING! Do not start or let the engine run in
an enclosed, unventilated area. Exhaust
fumes from the engine contain carbon mon-
oxide, a colorless and odorless gas. Carbon
monoxide can be fatal if inhaled.
• Do not park or operate the vehicle in areas
where the hot exhaust system may come in
contact with dry grass, brush, spilled fuel or
other material that can cause a fire.
CAUTION: The use of a winterfront can result
in excessive engine coolant, oil, and charge
air (intake) temperatures, which can lead to
overheating and possible engine damage. If
you must use a winterfront
• Refer to the “Engine Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual” for operating restrictions
and recommendations.