Regional Haul
(R05/10) Y53-6033 – 189 –
Air System
WARNING! Prior to the removal of any air sys-
tem component, always block and hold the
vehicle by a secure means other than the
vehicle's own brakes. Depleting air system
pressure may cause the vehicle to roll unex-
pectedly resulting in an accident causing
death or injuries. Keep hands away from
chamber push rods and slack adjusters, they
may apply as system pressure drops.
• Never connect or disconnect a hose or line
containing air pressure. It may whip as air
escapes. Never remove a component or pipe
plug unless you are certain all system pres-
sure has been depleted.
• Never exceed recommended air pressure
and always wear safety glasses when work-
ing with air pressure. Never look into air jets
or direct them at anyone.
• Never attempt to disassemble a component
until you have read and understood recom-
mended procedures. Some components
contain powerful springs and injury or death
can result if not properly disassembled. Use
only proper tools and observe all precau-
tions pertaining to the use of those tools.
• Completely bypassing a Bendix AD-IS air
dryer will bypass the system’s pressure pro-
tection valves. This could lead to loss of air
pressure or damage to the vehicle’s air sys-
tem, which could cause an accident involv-
ing death or personal injury. Always adhere
to the manufacturer’s procedure if it is nec-
essary in an emergency to temporarily
bypass an AD-IS-series air dryer.
WARNING! Do not release the parking brake
or attempt to move the vehicle until air pres-
sure in both circuits is at least 100 psi (690
kPa), the level required for normal brake oper-
• Do not use the trailer hand brake control to
hold vehicle while parked. This control uti-
lizes air pressure for brake application.
Because acceptable air leakage levels cause
all truck air systems to gradually lose pres-
sure, vehicle rollaway could occur, resulting
in an accident and death or injuries.