
Powerware 9315 Parallel Capacity/Redundant System with PHP SSBM
164201373 Rev. A 092402
15.4 Short Circuits
Normally, the overcurrent protective device on the circuit will prevent any electrical
damage except at the actual point of short-circuit. A thorough inspection of the
entire system a fter any large f ault current s hould be made to ensure t hat there has
been no mechanical damage to conductors, insulation, or equipment.
In addition, the individual overcurrent protective device or devices which performed
the short-circuit interruption must be inspected for possible arcing damage to
contacts, arc chutes and/or insulation.
15.5 Circuit Breakers
Refer t o General Electric Document GEH---6271, Installation Instructions for
PowerBreakII Circuit Breakers/DrawOut 800---4000 Ampere F rames, for
recommended circuit breaker maintenance.
15.6 Maintenance Training
A basic training course, available from Powerware Corporation, gives you a
competent working knowledge of the Parallel Capacity/Redundant system
operation and teaches you how to p erform first level corrective maintenance.
For more information about training and other services, contact the Powerware
Corporation Training Coordinator in Raleigh, North Carolina, or call Powerware
Corporation field s ervice at 1--800--843--9433.