
Chapter 4: The Watcher Window and Indicators
Rev 3.3 May.02 39
Installation and Use
on Notebook PCs
The Minimize, Toggle Full/
Compact, and Close Buttons
The Minimize button closes the Watcher window but leaves
the application running. When Watcher is minimized, the
Watcher icon in the status area can be used to determine
the AirCard status. (See page 44.)
Once minimized, you can redisplay the Watcher window
by double clicking the desktop shortcut or launching
Watcher from the Start menu. (See page 37.) You can also
click the Watcher icon in the status area. (The icons are
shown in the section “Taskbar Icons” on page 44.)
The Toggle Full/Compact button is used to switch between
the full Watcher window and the compact view:
The compact view allows you to see connection status
information while you use other applications.
The Close button is used to exit Watcher.