Chapter 4. Administration
Upgrading the Firmware
As new versions of the B020-008-17-IP firmware become available, they can
be downloaded from our Website.
Note: Although upgrading the firmware isn't on the OSD Administration
page, it is an administrative function, so we chose to discuss it in this
To upgrade the firmware, do the following:
1. Download the new firmware file to a computer that is not part of your
B020-008-17-IP installation.
2. From that computer, open your browser and log in to the B020-008-17-IP
(see Logging In, page 71).
3. Click the Firmware icon (see Webpage Icons, page 73) to open the
Firmware configuration dialog box:
4. Click Browse; navigate to the directory that the new firmware file is in
and select the file.
5. Click Upgrade.
6. After the upload completes, click the Logout icon to exit and reset the