Access Ports
IP Address
DNS Server
IP Installer Settings
Finishing Up
If a firewall is being used, the Administrator can specify the port numbers that the firewall will allow (and set the firewall accordingly). Users
must specify the port number as part of the IP address when they connect to the B051-000. If an invalid port number (or no port number) is
specified, the B051-000 will not be found. An explanation of the fields in the Access Port section is given in the table below:
Field Explanation
This is the port number that must be specified when connecting to the B051-000 from the stand-alone AP Windows Client
program. Valid entries are from 1024–65535. The default is 9000.
Virtual Media
This is the port number used for data transfer when accessing the B051-000’s Virtual Media feature. Valid entries are from 1024–
65535. The default is 9003.
HTTP The port number for a browser login. Valid entries are from 1–65535. The default is 80.
HTTPs The port number for a secure browser login. Valid entries are from 1–65535. The default is 443.
Note: If there is no firewall (on an Intranet, for example), it doesn’t matter what these numbers are set to, since they have no effect. The access
ports cannot have the same value. You must set a different value for each one.
The B051-000 can either have its IP address assigned dynamically when starting up (DHCP), or it can be given a fixed IP address.
• TohaveanIPaddressassignedautomaticallybyaDHCPserver,selecttheObtain an IP address automatically button.
Note: If the B051-000 is on a network that uses DHCP to assign network addresses, and you need to ascertain its IP address, contact your
system administrator.
• TospecifyaxedIPaddress,selecttheSet IP address manually button and fill in the IP address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway that are
appropriate for your network.
The B051-000 can either have its DNS server address assigned automatically, or a fixed address can be specified.
• ToassignaDNSserveraddressautomatically,selecttheObtain DNS server address automatically button.
• Tospecifyaxedaddress,selecttheUse the following DNS server address button and fill in the required information.
An IP Installer utility (IPInstaller.exe) is provided on the CD that comes with the B051-000 IP Remote Access Unit. It offers a simple method
to ascertain and configure IP related settings for the B051-000. When the IP Installer is invoked, it scans the network for B051-000 devices and
displays the ones it finds.
• SelectingEnabled allows you to see the IP settings of the devices that were found, and to use the utility to set new IP addresses.
• SelectingView Only allows you to see the IP settings of the devices that were found, but you cannot make any changes to the settings.
• SelectingDisabled will prevent the B051-000 from being found by the IP Installer.
See IP Installer, page 10, for operation details.
After making any network changes, be sure Reset on exit on the Customization page (see Customization, page 26) has been enabled (there is a
check in the checkbox), before logging out. This allows network changes to take effect without having to power the B051-000 off and on.