The Java Applet Control Panel
Hotkey Setup
The Java Applet
The Java Applet control panel, located at the bottom right of the
screen, provides utilities to help you control remote KVM operations.
The panel consists of an icon bar with a text bar below it.
• Thetextbarperformstwofunctions;itdisplaystheremoteserver’s
video resolution, and also displays messages from the message
board when you do not have the message board open. (See page 39
for more information about the message board.)
• Thecontrolpanelcanbemovedtoanylocationonthescreenby
moving the mouse pointer over one of its borders and dragging.
The icons in the control panel are described in the table below:
Icon Description
Click to bring up the Hotkey setup dialog box.
Click to bring up the Video settings dialog box.
Click to toggle the remote display between grayscale and color.
Click to bring up the Message board.
Click to send a Ctrl+Alt+Del signal to the remote system.
Click on the keyboard to enable the on-screen keyboard. Click on the drop down arrow to bring up a list of available language
keyboards. You can choose between English, Chinese (Taiwan), Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Korean and Italian.
Click to exit the remote view.
These icons show the Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock status of the remote computer.
• When the lock state is On, the LED is bright green and the lock hasp is closed.
• When the lock state is Off, the LED is dull green and the lock hasp is open.
Click on the icon to toggle the status.
Note: When you first connect, ensure the LEDs are accurate by clicking on them to set them.
Various actions related to manipulating the remote server can be
accomplished with Hotkeys. The Hotkey Setup utility is accessed by
clicking the icon on the Control Panel. The actions performed by
are shown in the panel to the right.