The Windows Client
Hotkey Setup (continued)
Action Description Default Hotkey
Toggle screen mode Toggles the screen display between full screen and windowed modes. Alt + F
Adjust Video Brings up the video setting dialog box. Alt + V
Toggle OSD Toggles the control panel Off and On. Alt + O
Toggle pointer display Toggles the local mouse pointer Off and On, so you can choose to show local and remote mouse
pointers at the same time, or only the remote mouse pointer.
Alt + P
Adjust Mouse Synchronizes the movement of the local and remote mice. Alt + M
Substitute Alt Key Although all other keyboard input is captured and sent to the remote computer, [Alt + Tab] and
[Ctrl + Alt + Del] are sent to your local computer. In order to implement their effects on the remote
system, a function key is substituted for the Alt key. If you substitute the F12 key, for example, you
would use [F12 + Tab] and [Ctrl + F12 + Del].
Exit remote view Ends the remote connection to the B051-000 and returns to local operation. Alt + E
Configuring the Hotkeys
If you find the default Hotkey combinations inconvenient, you can
configure your own by following these steps:
1. Highlight the Action, then Click Start.
2. Key in the new combination. The key names appear in the Key field
as you press them.
3. Click Set.
4. Click Close.
Note: Hotkey commands must be one key at a time, unless they are
combined with [Ctrl], [Alt] or [Shift]. In the case of combined keys,
both keys must be pressed at the same time, the same as you would do
when pressing [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Delete].
Option Description
Screen Position Adjust the horizontal and vertical position of the remote computer window by clicking the Arrow buttons.
Auto-Sync Click Auto-Sync to have the function detect the vertical and horizontal offset values of the remote screen and
automatically synchronize it with the local screen. If the local and remote mouse pointers are out of sync, in most
cases, performing this function will bring them back into sync. If you are not satisfied with the results, use the Screen
Position arrows to position the remote display manually.
Note: This function works best with a bright screen.
Video Quality Drag the slider bar to adjust the overall video quality. The higher the value, the clearer the picture and the more video
data goes through the network. Depending on the network bandwidth, a high value may slow down keyboard and
mouse response time.
Enable Refresh The B051-000 can redraw the screen every 1 to 99 seconds to eliminate unwanted artifacts and provide a better
picture. Select Enable Refresh and enter a number from 1 through 99. The B051-000 will redraw the screen at the
interval you specify. This feature is disabled by default.
Detect Tolerance This setting sets a threshold for filtering out undesired screen artifacts. Note: A high setting will decrease the amount of
video information traveling through the network. If you are experiencing slow keyboard and mouse response time, this
setting may help.
Video Settings
The Video settings dialogboxallowsyoutoadjusttheplacementandpicturequalityoftheremotescreen(asdisplayedonyourmonitor).
Click this button to toggle the remote display between grayscale and color. Switching to grayscale can help improve the keyboard and mouse
response time by decreasing the amount of data that must travel through the network connection.