
Item Description
6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu Enter the Boot ROM update menu
7. Skip current system configuration
Skip the current configuration file (this configuration is valid
8. Set BootRom password recovery Restore the Boot ROM password
9. Set switch startup mode Set the startup mode of the switch
0. Reboot Restart the switch
z If you perform no operation or press a key other than Ctrl + B within one second, once the
remaining waiting time becomes zero, the system begins to automatically start up and the following
information is displayed:
Starting to get the main application file--flash:/S2900-CMW520-A1101.bin!......
The main application file is self-decompressing................................
System is starting...
User interface aux0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
Press Enter and enter the correct username (admin by default) and password (no password by default).
The following prompt is displayed:
<3Com Baseline Switch >
You can configure the switch now.
Changing the Boot Mode
By default, the system starts up in fast boot mode. If you want to change the boot mode to normal,
press Ctrl + B within one second to enter the Boot ROM menu showed below:
1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify BootRom password
6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu
7. Skip current system configuration
8. Set BootRom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-9):
Enter 9. The system prompts you to change the startup mode:
The current mode is fast startup mode!