3Com 3C589D Network Card User Manual

The 3C589D PC Card requires 4 K for the CIS memory for
normal operation (when you are running diagnostics, the
PC Card needs 8 K of memory).
The 3C589D PC Card searches the upper memory, finds the
4 K block that has been excluded, and uses this area for
reading the contents of the CIS memory. For this reason,
you do not need to exclude a specific range, as long as it is
Follow these steps to exclude a sample 4 K memory range:
1 Make a backup copy of the CONFIG.SYS file. Type:
copy config.sys config.old [Enter]
2 Use a text editor to edit the CONFIG.SYS file on
your PC.
3 Exclude the memory range that the 3C589D PC Card is
using. For example, type this line in the CONFIG.SYS
device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems x=DE00–DFFF
where x stands for exclude, followed by the memory range
that the PC Card is using. In this example, the memory
setting is DE00–DFFF. This is only a sample.
Refer to the manual that accompanied the memory manager
software for additional instructions and information.
4 Save the CONFIG.SYS file and exit the text editor.
5 Reboot the PC.
The procedure for avoiding conflicts with a memory
manager is completed.