Aastra Telecom REV 06 Laptop User Manual

Features in Release 2.2
104 RN-001029-00, Rev 06, Release 2.2
IP Phone Release Notes 2.2
Polling Action URI
Another way to reach a phone behind a NAT/firewall is to have the phone make an
XML call at periodic intervals. A new Action URI was added in Release 2.2
called action uri poll which commands the phone to perform an XML call at
configurable intervals.
An Administrator can specify the URI to be called and specify the interval
between polls using the configuration files or the Aastra Web UI. Configuration of
this feature is dynamic (no reboot required).
Configuring Polling Action URI via the Configuration Files
Use the following parameters to configure the polling Action URI on the IP
action uri poll
action uri poll interval
action uri poll
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Action URI
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the URI to be called every "action uri pool interval" seconds.
Format HTTP(s) server path or Fully Qualified Domain Name
Default Value N/A
Range N/A
Example action uri poll: http://myserver.com/myappli.xml
action uri poll interval
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Action URI
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the interval, in seconds, between calls from the phone to the
"action uri poll".
Format Integer
Default Value 0 (disabled)
Range N/A
Example action uri poll interval: 60