VLAN Commands
Displaying VLAN Information
show vlan
This command shows VLAN information.
show vlan [id vlan-id | name vlan-name]
• id - Keyword to be followed by the VLAN ID.
- vlan-id - ID of the configured VLAN. (Range: 1-4094, no leading zeroes)
• name - Keyword to be followed by the VLAN name.
- vlan-name - ASCII string from 1 to 32 characters.
Default Setting
Shows all VLANs.
Command Mode
Normal Exec, Privileged Exec
The following example shows how to display information for VLAN 1:
Table 4-55. Show VLAN Commands
Command Function Mode Page
show vlan Shows VLAN information NE, PE 4-181
show interfaces status vlan Displays status for the specified VLAN interface NE, PE 4-133
show interfaces switchport Displays the administrative and operational status of an
NE, PE 4-135
Console#show vlan id 1
VLAN Type Name Status Ports/Channel groups
---- ------- ---------------- --------- ----------------------------------
1 Static DefaultVlan Active Eth1/ 1 Eth1/ 2 Eth1/ 3 Eth1/ 4 Eth1/ 5
Eth1/ 6 Eth1/ 7 Eth1/ 8 Eth1/ 9 Eth1/10
Eth1/11 Eth1/12 Eth1/13 Eth1/14 Eth1/15
Eth1/16 Eth1/17 Eth1/18 Eth1/19 Eth1/20
Eth1/21 Eth1/22 Eth1/23 Eth1/24 Eth1/25
Eth1/26 Eth1/27 Eth1/28 Eth1/29 Eth1/30
Eth1/31 Eth1/32 Eth1/33 Eth1/34 Eth1/35
Eth1/36 Eth1/37 Eth1/38 Eth1/39 Eth1/40
Eth1/41 Eth1/42 Eth1/43 Eth1/44 Eth1/45
Eth1/46 Eth1/47 Eth1/48