Accton Technology ES4548C Switch User Manual

Command Line Interface
Command Usage
If the file type is used for system startup, then this file cannot be deleted.
“Factory_Default_Config.cfg” cannot be deleted.
This example shows how to delete the test2.cfg configuration file from flash memory.
Related Commands
dir (4-66)
delete public-key (4-38)
This command displays a list of files in flash memory.
dir [boot-rom | config | opcode [:filename]]
The type of file or image to display includes:
- Boot ROM (or diagnostic) image file.
config - Switch configuration file.
opcode - Run-time operation code image file.
filename - Name of the file or image. If this file exists but contains errors,
information on this file cannot be shown.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Command Usage
If you enter the command dir without any parameters, the system displays all
File information is shown below:
Console#delete test2.cfg
Table 4-25. File Directory Information
Column Heading Description
file name The name of the file.
file type File types: Boot-Rom, Operation Code, and Config file.
startup Shows if this file is used when the system is started.
size The length of the file in bytes.