FS-8700-48 Fike Cheetah Manual Page 25 of 36
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Appendix A. Driver Notes
Appendix A.1. Driver Scope
This driver has implemented cheetah command #6.0. These messages are produced by a
Cheetah device controller and are consumed by this driver. The driver has no control on the
frequency of the messages and thus cannot guarantee fresh data. In addition the protocol
has no method for acknowledging messages so that in the event of this driver having to
discard a corrupt message, the message producer does not know and will not re-send.
Appendix A.2. Map Descriptor Specific Errors
Some errors produced by the driver are Map Descriptor specific. They can only be seen
when using the Ruidebug program and looking at the Map Descriptor debugging screens.
For more information on how to do this please refer to the FieldServer Utilities manual.
Appendix A.3. Multiple Cheetah Panels
Some of the broadcast messages produced by the Cheetah panel are node-less. This
means that these messages do not identify the node of origin. Unfortunately, the message
this driver uses to determine zone and device alarms is a node-less message. This limits
the number of Cheetah panels per port to one. (If there were more than one the driver would
not be able to determine the node of origin.)
Appendix A.4. How History Events are Stored
History events records are send by the panel each time an event occurs. The driver can
parse these messages and store the data in either of two ways.
• The first method stores the event code at an array location that is based on the device
address and loop number. See Map Descriptor example 8
• The second method stores a large number of additional event data such as the time &
date in a secondary Data Array. See Map Descriptor example 9
The array locations of the additional data are indicated below
Contents Notes
0 Month
1 Day of Month
2 Year less 1900
3 Day of Week (1..7)
4 Hour (0-12)
5 AM-PM (A,P)
6 Minute
7 Second
8 Event Data (0-65535)
9 Custom Message 20 bytes
29 Fire Point
30 Zero Point
31 Device Type
32 Device Function
33 Zones device belongs to 32 bytes. Bit 0 -> Zone1 …. Bit 17->zone 18 …
65 Current History Counter (0-65535)