FS-8700-48 Fike Cheetah Manual Page 34 of 36
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Appendix B. Driver Error Messages
Multiple protocol drivers may exist on a FieldServer. Each driver may produce its own error
messages and the FieldServer itself may produce error messages.
All messages produced by this driver begin "Cheetah:"
Error Message Action Required
Cheetah:#1 Unknown
simulation function.
Cheetah:#2 Simulation
function unknown.
Report these messages to FieldServer Technologies.
Cheetah:#3 Protocol Error
(Start), Incoming msg
ignored - Waiting for next
Cheetah:#4 Protocol Error
(Stop), Incoming msg
ignored - Waiting for next
Cheetah:#5 Protocol Error
(Chksum), Incoming msg
ignored - Waiting for next
Warning messages only. An incoming message was discarded
because the identifiers which mark the beginning of a message could
not be found. You cannot take any action to correct this message. If it
occurs often check wiring, noise and installation.
Cheetah:#6 Protocol Error
(Unknown), Incoming msg
ignored - Waiting for next
Report this error to FieldServer Technologies.
Cheetah:#7a Err. Zone=%d
Cheetah:#7b MapDesc
Error. Zone value error.
Cheetah:#7c FYI. Warning.
Zone=%d. Max zone is
panel type dependent. Read
An invalid zone has been specified. The zone causing the problem is
printed in parenthesis.
The largest possible zone number is 255. Only Cybercat panels support
this number of zones. Legacy panels support up to zone 239. Very old
panels that can only send message #6 can only report information for
127 panels.
If you are connected to a Cybercat panel and you get the FYI message
you can ignore it. If you are connected to some other panel and you get
either the Err or FYI message then you will need to correct the CSV file.
Cheetah:#8 MapDesc Error.
Device value error. (%d)
An invalid device has been specified. The device causing the problem
is printed in parenthesis.
Cheetah:#9 MapDesc Error.
Loop value error. (%d)
An invalid loop has been specified. The loop causing the problem is
printed in parenthesis.
Cheetah:#10 MapDesc
Error. Zone & Device
One Map Descriptor cannot be used to store data for zones and
devices. Either the keyword Cheet_Zone or Cheet_Device must be set
to None
Cheetah:#11 MapDesc
Error. With devices only
alarm & trouble available.
For devices only the alarm & trouble states are available. Set the
Cheet_DT values appropriately in the configuration file.
Cheetah:#12 Message on
Cheetah port but no
mapDesc found.
A port has been reserved for the Cheetah protocol and a message has
been received on this port but there is no Map Descriptor defined for this
Modify the CSV file, download to the FieldServer and restart the FieldServer for the changes to take