Chapter 3 - BIOS Utility 3-47
The following is the second of two Remote Diagnostic Configuration screens in the
BIOS utility. It shows the remote diagnostic parameters with their default settings:
Remote Diagnostic Configuration Page 2/2
RDM Daughter Board Version............. R01-A6
RDM Work Mode.......................... [Reboot]
Waiting Mode Password.................. [---]
System Critical Paging No.............. [---]
1................................... [---]
2................................... [---]
3................................... [---]
Paging Times........................... [ 1 ]
RDM Host Name.......................... [---]
Location............................... [---]
Administrator.......................... [---]
Phone Number........................... [---]
Email Address.......................... [---]
↑↓ = Move Highlight Bar, → ← = Change Setting, F1 = Help