4-8 User Guide for AIR-104/AIR-204
Step 6 Click the
button with the mouse.
How to configure your Internet connection
After you have configured the modem connection(s) of your AIR-104/204 , the last step
required for Internet access is configure your Internet connection.
Unlike more complicated routers, the AIR-104/204 is specifically optimized for user-
friendly Internet access. You may safely ignore the whole system of applying for and
assigning IP addresses - the AIR-104/204 handles all these processes for you
To allow the AIR-104/204 to communicate with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for
Internet access, you just need to input your ISP’s contact telephone number, your ISP
account name, and your ISP account password. The AIR-104/204 will take care of
everything else, and you can begin accessing the Internet right away.
The simplest procedure for configuring the AIR-104/204 utilizes the Internet
Configuration Console (ICC), which is fully described above in the section entitled
How do
I log onto the AIR-104/204?
System requirements for this procedure are detailed at the
beginning of this chapter, in the section entitled
What do I need to configure the AIR-104/
Alternatively, you may configure the AIR-104/204 by using the Command Line Interface
(CLI). The CLI can be accessed remotely, via Telnet, or directly, via a console attached to
the AIR-104/204. See
Chapter 7
for full details about the Command Line Interface.
Using the ICC to configure the Internet connection
Step 1 From a properly-configured and connected network PC, use your Web
browser to log on to the ICC (see
How do I log onto the AIR-104/204?
Step 2 On the ICC Menu, locate the Configuration heading, and click on Internet
Connection Setup. The
Configure Internet Access
screen will appear in the
Configuration Window of the ICC browser screen.
If the AIR-104/204 is connected only to a single modem, or if dual modems are
connected but you only wish to use one of them, then select “I use one modem to
access the Internet”. If the AIR-104/204 is connected to two modems and you wish to
be able to use both of them, then select “I want to use two modems for increased speed
to and from the Internet”.
Configure Internet Access
How do you connect to the Internet ?
I use one modem to access the Internet
I want to use two modems for increased speed to and from the
Chapter 4 Basic Configuration