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User ID (PIN number)
Before beginning fingerprint enrollment, a user is assigned a User
ID number (sometimes referred to as a PIN number). This User ID
number is used to recall fingerprint templates or passwords each
time verification is requested.
Privilege Levels
Privilege levels are the levels at which users are authorized to
access terminal functions. These levels define the authority of a
user to access specified administrative functions including the
ability to view, edit, add, or renew specified information categories.
Privilege levels are built-in terminal functions that can be set as
required. The TQ600 has four user privilege levels:
User, Enroller, Admin (administrator) and Supervisor.
z Users are people whose identity must be verified to
record time such as punching in/out or the time spent working
on a job or working in specific departments.
z Enrollers can enroll supervisors, administrators,
enrollers and users. Enrollers can delete users. Enrollers can
access “User Manage” and “System Information” menus.
z Administrators (Admin) can enroll supervisors,
administrators, enroller and users. Administrators can delete
enrollers and users. Administrators can access all operations,
except “Advanced Options”.