Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual
Chapter 6 Advanced Setup
Activating WEP+802.1x and clicking Next in the Wireless Settings screen gener-
ates the “Wireless 802.1x Security Settings” screen. This setting is for enterprise
networks only, and should be accessed by experienced information systems spe-
cialists only.
To set up WEP+802.1x security, enter the IP address of the RADIUS server in the
“Server IP Address” text box, and the “Secret” key (for communication between
the RADIUS server and the Router) in the “Secret” text box. The “Port” and
“Group Key Interval” values should remain the same
Activating WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and clicking Next in the Wireless
Settings screen generates the “Wireless WPA Settings” screen.
There are two levels of WPA. The “Group Key Interval,” “Server IP Address,”
“Port,” and “Secret” text boxes, along with the “802.1x” radio button, are enter-
prise network specific, and should only be accessed by an experienced informa-
tion systems professional. See “WEP+802.1x” on the previous page for more