OP-08: Ethernet interface
Used to connect the balance to a LAN.
The "WinCT-Plus" data communication software is provided as an accessory and can perform the
Acquire data from multiple balances connected to a LAN.
LAN connection enables reliable data acquisition.
Control these balances with commands.
Acquire data transmitted from balances.
Example: When pressing the PRINT key of the balance, data is output and is acquired by the
The stored data can be used with Microsoft Excel (if installed).
If a USB converter such as the AX-USB-25P is used for communication between a PC and
multiple balances, communication may be unstable.
When building into a system, use the Ethernet interface (OP-08).
OP-19: Stainless steel breeze break
Provided as a standard accessory for the AD-4212B series
balance and AD-4212A-100
Sold separately as an option (OP-19) for the other models
OP-20: Metal leveling foot
It is possible to remove the plate from the screw.
When using the metal leveling feet, the
height to the top of the weighing pan will be:
88-98 mm: AD-4212A-100/200
AD-4212B series balance
90.5-100.5 mm: AD-4212A-600/1000