18-1 Command List
Commands to query weighing data
C Cancels the S or SIR command.
Q Requests the weighing data immediately.
S Requests the weighing data when stabilized.
SI Requests the weighing data immediately.
SIR Requests the weighing data continuously.
Commands to control the balance
Same as the CAL key.
OFF Turns the display off.
ON Turns the display on.
Same as the ON:OFF key
Same as the PRINT key
Same as the RE-ZERO key
Same as the SAMPLE key.
Same as the MODE key (Confirm the upper/lower limit values)
HH:∗∗∗. ∗∗∗∗∗ g
H I :∗∗∗. ∗∗∗∗∗ g
LO:∗∗∗. ∗∗∗∗∗ g
LL :∗∗∗. ∗∗∗∗∗ g
Sets the upper and lower limit values.
HH: Secondary upper limit value HI: Upper limit value
LO: Lower limit value LL: Secondary lower limit value
The unit is what is displayed in the weighing mode. Use a unit of
three digits in A&D standard format.
Command e.g.: HI:100.00000 g
(To set the upper limit value to 100 g: indicates a space.)
Outputs the upper and lower limit values.
?HH: Secondary upper limit value ?HI: Upper limit value
?LO: Lower limit value ?LL: Secondary lower limit value
?HI response e.g.: HI,+100 .00000 g
Commands to query memory data
MCL Deletes all weighing data in memory.
MD:nnn Deletes weighing data with the data number nnn.
?MA Outputs all weighing data in memory.
?MQnnn Outputs weighing data with the data number nnn.
?MX Outputs the number of weighing data in memory.
UN:mm Recalls the unit mass stored in memory with the number of mm (01-20).
?UN Outputs the unit mass number of the selected unit mass.
?UN response e.g.: UN,01
CN:mm Changes to the upper/lower limit value in memory with the number of mm.
(mm is the upper/lower limit value code number. Standard=01 to 20)
?CN Outputs the upper/lower limit value code number of the selected limit value.
Notes: nnn indicates a three-digit numerical value.
The command is sent to the balance with the terminator selected in the “Terminator
(Crlf)” parameter of “Serial interface ( 5if )” added.