Stable value The weight data when the stabilization indicator appears.
Environment Ambient conditions such as vibration, drafts, temperature, static electricity or
magnetic fields which affect the weighing operation.
Store To save the weighing data, unit mass, calibration data or upper/lower limit values
using the data memory function.
Calibration Adjustment of the balance so that it can weigh accurately.
Output To output the weighing data using the RS-232C interface.
Zero point A weighing reference point or the zero display. Usually refers to the value
displayed when nothing is on the weighing pan.
Data number Numbers assigned sequentially when weighing data or unit weight is stored.
Digit Unit of digital resolution. Used for the balance, the minimum displayable weighing value
Tare To cancel the weight of a container which is not included in the weighing data.
Mode Balance operational function.
Re-zero To set the display to zero.
GLP Good Laboratory Practice.
Repeatability Variation in measured values obtained when the same weight is placed and
removed repetitively. Usually expressed as a standard deviation.
e.g. Standard deviation=1 digit: This means that measured values fall within ±1
digit in the frequency of about 68%.
Stabilization time Time required after a sample being placed, until the stabilization indicator
illuminates and the weighing data is displayed.
Sensitivity drift An affect that a change in temperature causes to the weighing data. Expressed as
temperature coefficient.
e.g. Temperature coefficient = 2 ppm/°C : If a load is 100 g and the temperature
changes by 10°C, the value displayed changes by the following value.
0.0002%/°C x 10°C x 100 g = 2 mg
Keys and symbols
Carriage return..................................... 39
Line feed .............................................39
Space mark .......................................... 39
Comparator indicators................ 14
Weighing speed indicators......... 14
Interval memory active indicator
Interval memory standby indicator
Processing indicator...................14
Stabilization indicator ................. 14
Standby indicator .......................14
CAL key ............................................14
MODE key ........................................ 14
ON/OFF key......................................14
PRINT key.........................................14
RE-ZERO key ...................................14
SAMPLE key.....................................14
100% reference mass..................................52
- A -
A&D standard format ...................................36
AC adapter ......................9, 10, 13, 34, 41, 83
ACAI .......................................................51
Acknowledge code.......................................69
AD-1683 DC static eliminator..............11, 94
AD-1684 Electrostatic field meter..............94