Functional Description 150-409-115-05, Issue 5
16 January 26, 2000 EDU-409 List 1
The number of doublers can be increased by two for applications where the
enclosures are underground or not exposed to direct sunlight. However, any
increase in capacity is still subject to rule 1 on page 4.
Reduce the doubler capacity by one for every two doublers that do not have
an empty slot between them. If the application allows seven doublers, but two
are directly adjacent to each other, then the total capacity must be reduced to
Standard T1 repeaters can be installed in the same enclosure with doubler
units. If this method is used, the maximum number of doublers that can
occupy the same case with the standard repeaters must be reduced by one for
every four T1 repeaters (or fractions thereof) installed. T1 repeaters located
with doublers in outdoor enclosures should be placed in slots that are not
adjacent to the doublers.
The doubler capacity numbers listed for each outdoor
enclosure must be reduced by one for every additional
+5 °F (+2.8 °C) rise, or any fraction thereof, in outside ambient
temperatures above +115 °F (+46.1 °C).
The capacities can be increased by one for every additional
+5 °F (+2.8 °C) reduction in outside ambient temperatures
above +115 °F (+46.1 °C).
Rule 1 in the section titled “Doubler Enclosure Capacities with
Full Solar Load” on page 12 does not apply if the adjacent slot
is occupied by a T1 repeater.