Internal initialization error. UPS block (DSP)
UPS blocks
Internal execution error. UPS block (DSP) 56
UPS blocked. BLK. Inverter -> BLK. UPS 57
Internal communication. UPS block (DSP) 58
Parallel system discharging. UPS block 59
UPS over temperature. UPS block. 60
Rectifier overload. UPS block 61
Inverter desaturations. UPS block 62
DSP internal error. UPS block 63
PFC & inverter blockage. UPS block 64
Paral. coms error UPS block 76
Error coms. paral. master fixed
Alarm paral. sist. redundancy lost 74
Table 4: Alarm list displayed in the LCD panel
Alarm 1:
This message indicates that the rectifier is overloaded. The rectifier overload
appears when the input current of any phase is greater than the following ratio:
Iin-ovl = 0.326 x Pout / Vout_p-n
• Iin-ovl is Overload Input Current (A)
• Pout is Rated Output Apparent Power (VA)
• Vout_p-n is Rated Output Voltage phase-to-neutral (V)
Alarm 2:
This message indicates that the inverter is overloaded. The inverter overload
appears either when the output current of any phase is greater than the rated
output current
Iout-ovl = Pout / (Vout_p-n * 3)
• Iout is rated Output Current (A)
• Pout is Rated Output Apparent Power (VA)
• Vout_p-n is Rated Output Voltage phase-to-neutral (V)