Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI)
Status Programming Examples
Enables all bits to generate seruice requests
SRE 239
Excludes the MAV bit from gerlerating a service request
Enables only Questionable events to generate service requests
Output Queue
The Output Queue is a FIFO (first-in, first-out) data structure that stores power supply-to-controller messages until the
controller reads them.
Whenever the queue holds one or more bytes, it sets the MAV bit (4) in the Status Byte register. The Output Queue is
cleared by
*CLS and at power turn on.
Error messages are obtained remotely with the SYST:ERR? query. The error number is the value that is placed in the error
queue. SYST:ERR? returns the error number into a variable and combines the error number and the error message into a
string. There are two types of error messages stored in the power supply error queue, system errors and device-dependent
System Errors
Table C-5 lists the system errors, which are associated with SCPI syntax errors and interface problems. Information inside
the brackets is not part of the standard error message, but is included for clarification. When system errors occur, the
Standard Event Status register (see "Status Reporting"’) records them as follows:
Standard Event Status Register Error Bits
Bit Set |Error Code Error Type
5 -100 thru -199 Command
4 - 200 thru - 299 Execution
3 - 300 thru - 399 Device-dependent
2 - 400 thru - 499 Query
Device-Dependent Errors
Hardware Errors During Turn-On Selftest.
If a GP-IB failure occurs during selftest, the power supply may or may not be
able to communicate with the controller. If possible, error - 330 (Self Test Error) is placed in the error queue. If a power
supply output error occurs during selftest, error -330 and error -240 (Hardware Error) are placed in the queue. In addition,
the error appears on the display (see the Operating manual). If output errors occur, the power supply will generate one or
more - 240 errors for each command it cannot process. Use the
SYST:ERR? query to read the error queue after power on to
ensure that no - 330 or - 240 errors are present. Any power supply value returned by a query (such as
should be assumed to be invalid.